Elsa Bleda - memories of dreams

14 March - 6 April 2019

Magic, mysticism and an atmosphere of eerie moodiness, “Memories of Dreams” weaves in and out of a dream-like state, questioning the domain and attachment to the world of metaphysical space. Bleda uses soft and nostalgic visuals to play with the boundary of reality, fantasy, and imagination.

Ephemeral in nature, dreams are commonly difficult to remember and often restricted to the period before waking. Bleda recalls, encodes and then manifests her subconsciousness in the physical space creating bold yet ambiguously transdimensional portraits of the landscapes she occupies. Her relationship with light, colour, and space heightens the intense emotionality and speculative existence of consciousness.

The collection of photographs takes place at the blurred lines of the (un)conscious, the external world gets left behind and the soul becomes fully internalized. These landscapes, pieced together as a sequence of fragments, leave room for interaction, as viewers are encouraged to pause, inhale, reflect and slowly exhale when necessary. Although elusive at first glance, the mystery surrounding these alternate realities are washed in a cinematic reverie prompting the self to engage in a deeper sense of exploration.

Juxtaposed against a backdrop of collected moments outside of the boundaries of normality, a new dimension of reality is augmented into the exhibition space creating a vivid manifestation of the subjective dream state.